Thursday 25 September 2014



The American Marketing Association (AMA) defines a brand as a "name, term, sign, symbol or design, or a combination of them intended to identify the goods and services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of other sellers.
Therefore it makes sense to understand that branding is not about getting your target market to choose you over the competition, but it is about getting your prospects to see you as the only one that provides a solution to their problem. 
A brand is a promise made by a company to its customers and supported by that company.
its more then just an icon, logo, mission statement, advertisement. its a personality or a face with which the target customers want to do business


The Parent company helps develop the brand in the market, HUL being a popular company in itself has helped VPJ'S brand awareness.

Brand name plays an important role in creating brand awareness. it is the identity given to a product.

LOGO- The company logo is the cornerstone of the firms branding elements. A logo plays a vital role in representing the brand/company.

PACKAGING- Its the the look of the product e.g. colours,design, container, font etc.Packaging helps differentiate products. The basic function is to protect the product from any damage. VPJ comes in Jars of various sizes and tubes.Vaseline Petroleum Jelly was sold in two basic containers, jars and tubes. Jars sizes were: 1.75 oz., 3.75 oz., 7.50 oz., 12.0 oz., and 15.0 oz.. The tubes sizes were 1.0 oz. and 3.75 oz. VPJ sales were mainly concentrated in the 1.75 oz., 3.75 oz. and 7.50 oz jar sizes, which combined for 81% of VPJ factory shipments by size.

Needed for brand recall and to create brand awareness. Tagline should be simple,crisp and effective.

The category in which VPJ falls.

A strong brand equity is the basis of brand building. Keller defines Brand equity as " Brand equity is defined in terms of the marketing effects uniquely attributable to the brand"
It is the intangible asset that depends on association made by the consumer.
VJP being a part of HUL has a strong brand equity. Consumers trust the brand and are also loyal to it. HUL also stands for quality, also they have involved celebrity endorsements therefore they have built a strong brand equity over the decades.

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